The structure of the ports of Giulianova – Abruzzo
The port of Giulianova is located between the mouths of the Tordino River and the Salinello Creek. This facility is used mainly by fishing boats, but inside there is a well-equipped tourist landing, protected by two long three-armed piers divided as follows:
- The north pier completely docked for the first two arms and reserved for fishing boats
- The south pier with a dock and several piers used for mooring pleasure boats.
How to dock
To gain access, it is necessary to call theLocal Maritime Office on VHF channel 16. During storm surges with winds from quadrant I and IV, access may be difficult.
Both the part from the dock used for fishing boats and the tourist dock are equipped with water-electric and fire-fighting facilities.
The importance of cultural activities
In recent years to boost ports activities, marine-related events have been created, such as the display in the southern part of the port of old net booms used for fishing called “up and downs.”
A short film (24atp) showing the port of Giulianova