The Cangas marina is located on the north coast of the Vigo estuary, between Cape Balea and Punta Rodeira.
Once the lower Borneira which is marked by a red and white tower at its NE you reach Punta Balea, antechamber of the bay of Cangas do Morrazo, with a width of 1.2 M and a depth from the lag at 058ยบ between Balea and Rodeira of 0.7 M .
At Punta Balea, there is a small island and the ruins of an old factory with an unwalkable pier.
The entrance to the ports is protected, as it is for the entire Vigo estuary, by the main channel and approaching the N, identifying buoy No. 8 in Salgueirรณn.
This very bass is the only obstacle we can find. We can leave the Br or Er buoy and sail to the N we will have the tip of the pontoon at the bow.
The other danger point is further inland in the estuary, the lower Rodeira, which is also bounded by another buoy.
The entire dock is protected by a shelter dam of two alimeacionas:
Starting from land at 096ยบ, a breakwater from a 296-meter breakwater that serves as a pier and where sailors’ huts are located.