Un gruppo di robot alla scoperta dei segreti dell’Oceano Indiano

Dislocare un gruppo di bio robot sulla superficie dell’Oceano Indiano per carpirne informazioni sull’ ancora misterioso ecosistema. Questo รจ l’obiettivo del team di scienziati internazionali che attualmente sta navigando sulle acque oceaniche.
Rispetto ai sistemi di monitoraggio collocati da quasi un decennio nell’Oceano Indiano, che permettono di rilevare dati come le temperature dell’acqua, i nuovi robot sono forniti di sensori estremamente sensibili.

I BioArgos scenderanno al di sotto della superficie marina per rilevare importanti dati biologici dell’ecosistema oceanico, quali il tasso di azoto, ossigeno e clorofilla presenti, per ottenere un quadro preciso della condizione degli organismi viventi marini fin nelle loro forme primarie e poter poi riportare le informazioni raccolte ad un sistema satellitare.

Gli scienziati vogliono raccogliere informazioni utili anche sulla presenza delย fitoplancton, un’alga che “converte” l’anidride carbonica in composti chimici organici con l’ausilio dei raggi del sole e che รจ alla base della sopravvivenza degli organismi acquatici e del grande processo vitale oceanico.

Questa spedizione รจ stata voluta ed organizzata dalla Fao, dal Csiro (l’agenzia scientifica nazionale australiano) e dal dipartimento di scienze del governo indiano.
I congegni tecnologici verranno posizionati nelle “correnti di vortice” in una zona compresa tra ilย Madagascar e la Christmas Island, a nord-ovest dell’Australia.

Per gli organizzatori l’interesse di questa spedizione non รจ solamente scientifico, ma i suoi risultati dovrebbero permettere di aiutare i vari Paesi affacciati sull’Oceano Indiano a preservare l’ambiente marino e a trarne benefici rispettandone l’ecosistema.


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Do you need to sell your boat? You are in the right place! yachtdigest.com is in fact the largest online portal on recreational boating and in this section you will be able to write your ad for free if you want to sell your boat. Adding a new sales message is very simple and intuitive as is finding a boat you are interested in buying, but to make your listing even more appealing, we want to give you some general but important pointers that you can follow if you wish.

First of all, try to personalize your ad, describing the history of the boat and perhaps the reason why you are selling it, this way you will gain more trust from the reader.

You can call it “half-new” if it is almost new, or “used” by specifying whether or not it is in good condition. It indicates the condition of the engines, the year of registration, how many owners it has had-most importantly, it indicates whether the boat has been owned by a single owner: it increases interest to those reading the ad.

The goodness of your craft must shine through in your message, because before you can convince someone, you yourself must be convinced that the product is good.

It is important that no spelling errors are made in the advertisement, so reread the message well before putting it online. The language then must be clear and simple, understandable to all.

It serves to attract interest and induce the reader to continue reading; it is the most important part and should summarize in one line the whole message we want to give. Unfortunately, you don’t have much chance to stand out much except with something really original to attract attention. So focus on truly original details of the boat, its real qualities: in the yachtdigest.com portal this brief summary will appear by hovering over the picture of the boat with the mouse.

It is important to clearly include the general record of the vessel. Always enter: shipyard, model, length, width, draft, engines, number of cabins, year of construction, price.

In the boat sheet accurately enter all boat details, standard and extra equipment. It is useful to communicate many details and details for those who are really interested and will continue reading beyond the first few lines.

Suggest to the reader who wants to buy the best features of your craft, and do not indicate-unless it is necessary to inform the buyer in advance-information that might negatively influence the reader.

Always indicate the price. Unless you absolutely do not want to deal, we recommend adding the words “price negotiable” which gives an incentive for the buyer to contact you.

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