TAMER 22 mahogany and teak shipyard ARCHETTI s.n.c. Monte Isola- Lago d’ Iseo (BS) year 2002
For true connoisseurs, the boat requires a serious rearrangement as in the winter due to a disturbance broke the moorings and uprooted a bollard and in retrieving it broke even the mast… The boat needs a few hours of work but can return a historical jewel dellla nautical Italian https://www.cantierearchettiercole.it/ In just 22 feet 3 beds (2 adults and one child) bathroom, kitchen and refrigerator… a gem of old shipwrights. Boat visible in Barberino del Mugello on trolley ready to be taken away. Asking 5,000 euros. 3357533171
Beneteau Swift Trawler 48 (2023) Technical data: Flag of Italy; Ship category. B - Offshore;…